Point A to Point B

our RELATIONSHIP with nature

From the moment I wake up I begin plotting my journey

Whether conscious, or sub-conscious, the idea that my entire life I am on route to a destination

All of these voyages, short or long, are all fueled by either desire or repulsion

If I desire something:

lying in bed, in the morning, and craving a coffee

I don’t even have to think that hard and the route is set.

I leave point A (the warm and comfy bed) and move towards point B (the coffee maker)

All done right?

Well yes, for that one route.

Now the Point B (the coffee maker) becomes Point A

And I begin the cycle again.

And depending on the time, place, mood, and how my desires or fears manifest in that situation

the next journey is made.

If there is a job to go to, a certain destination is set verses if it is a day at the beach

the next little journey is planned and off I go.

hopping in the shower or gathering beach towels

the adventure begins .

This is what I do

throughout the day all day every day

trying to get some where

get to my destination, or transversely enjoy the destination

At times my pace is relaxed, beautiful and fun

And other times it is stressful, ugly and fearful

Now in a life of journeys or destinations my concern over whether I feel joy or pain fluctuates

And trying to control how I feel during my journeys feels like trying to bail out my sinking row boat with a colander

Try as I might, scooping water out of my sinking ship, I am still going under

The idea of a life lived from point A to Point B moves beyond physical destinations and starting points

Underneath it all there are emotional and intellectual destinations and journeys that I have created long before the physical course has been plotted.

My desires or fears have been manifested into action plans

The journey to abundance, peace, happiness, love

or its opposite

the journey from, scarcity, chaos, sadness, apathy

very quickly become broken down and actions, to be taken in the physical world, are assigned

my journeys fall into two categories

moving to something (desire)

or away from something (fear)

Even if that desire or fear has a physical manifestation or not.

Now good people please allow me to introduce you to:

Point C


the moment when the journey

between Point A to Point B is


Driving home at the end of a long day and becoming mesmerized by the setting sun

Stepping out of the grocery store and becoming transfixed by the patterns of birds flying above

Checking for mail and freezing at the sight of a looming unrecognizable shadow

welcome to

Point C

a moment when the world at large,

the universe,

abstract infinite,



however you would describe it

communicates directly

At some point along my journey I have ceased to travel along the path and reacting to:

roadblocks (things that are slowing appear to be keeping me from reaching point B)

or shortcuts (things that are aiding me to reach point B)


have began interacting directly with the universe

A conversation is occurring

beyond language

I am so intent on listening

That the journey stops

I have become immersed in the moment

Point C is everything

All that there ever was

Since the beginning

the journey and the destination

Point A to Point B is my Karma

the human condition

the meaning of life

Point C

is a moment when the “I” disappears

there is no time to reflect on what is occurring

there is nothing to reflect

And this is where painting gets involved

the foundation of what I am doing when I go out with my easel is so intrinsically tied to Point C

These paintings, my work, are the moments of Point C

Finding the foundational visual elements of the scene that have ignited the shift into point C within me


Bolstering those shapes of colour and putting them onto a canvas, to ignite within the viewer, a shifting into Point C

In this way these paintings done in the moment of Point C are not mere recordings of a place or time

But become a


a tool to activate in the viewer the times when they are in direct conscious communication with the universe

Point C

Travelling out into the world

keeping myself open

Painting on the canvas

a shorthand of vision

that has one express purpose

To activate in the viewer a moment

Outside of a journey or destination

a time in between our struggles and joys of life

a place in between









